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Milestone Systems is Looking for Vendor(s)

Milestone Systems is Looking for Vendor(s)

I rarely use my blog as a platform to find partners or recruit people in my team. However, it happens from time to time, and today is one example for that.

milestone-logo_tagOur mother company, Milestone Systems A/S, is rapidly expanding in a growing markets! In order to cope with the current demands, we are now are in an urgent need of a vendor(s) in Bulgaria, which can provide us with development and test services, delivered by his consultants, within the following areas:

  • Web developer(s) – with skill set: 3+ years of web development experience, strong JavaScript skills, new elements introduced in HTML5, XML, WebSockets, File API, History management, Local Storage, and Canvas 2D drawing.
  • Software QA(s) – with skill set: 3+ years’ experience, manual/functional testing, multiplatform products (e.g. Linux, Windows, iOS, and Android), TCP/IP, HTTP, XML and Web Browser-based testing.
  • Senior C++ developer(s) – with skill set: C++ (large scale multithreading environments), multiplatform product development, TCP/IP, HTTP, design patterns.

Sufficient/Good English skills is a requirement due to cross-country team. We foresee a growing need for additional consultants in Q4 2013/Q1 2014.

All candidates will work at our Sofia office, located on 23A Dragan Tzankov blvd., Sofia. We will provide all necessary tools and infrastructure.

If you or others in your network know of good vendors or consultants, or a company which can provide them, please contact me at DAA-at-MILESTONESYS-dot-COM, or via comment in this blog, or directly, if you know my contacts. Detailed Job Description documents can be provided on demand. All vendor consultants will pass an interview(s) within our development and test teams in order to ensure they skills and expertise are suitable for the projects in mind.

Търся учител по английски / Looking for English Language Teacher

Търся учител по английски / Looking for English Language Teacher

The Bulgarian version, for the English version please see below!

Търся преподавател по английски. Бих искал да организирам обучение на колегите във фирмата (а и на себе си), но не класическия вариант “аз говоря, вие ме слушате и пишете домашни”. Според мен един такъв урок би следвало да изглежда така:

  • Една група е не повече от 8 курсиста
  • Групата се събира веднъж или два пъти седмично.
  • Преподавателят избира (интересна) тема, която се свежда предварително на участниците в курса
  • Участниците се подготвят (доколкото могат)
  • Урокът продължава един учебен час (може и два учебни часа) и е дискусия на избраната тема. Целите са:
    • Курсистите да говорят, за да може да упражняват езика си.
    • Преподавателят да следи грешките при говора, като ги поправя своевременно (по време на, или след урокът)
    • Курсистите да упражняват езика максимално (говорно)
  • Възможно е от време на време да има писмени упражнения (или като домашна), които курсистите да приготвят (доставката може да е чрез е-поща), а преподавателят проверява и показва грешките, за да се учат постепенно курсистите и да усъвършенстват английския си.

Перфектният преподавател би бил с майчин език английски!

Други неща, които търся:

  • Да има опит и желание да бъде част от подобен курс. Това не е класическия “даскалски” модел, така че по-скоро говорим за приятелски диалог, отколкото за скучен час по английски!
  • Да има желание да преподава два пъти седмично с предполагаем начален час или предиобед (10:00), или следобед (16:00). Възможно е и по-късно/по-рано, гъвкави сме откъм това условие.
  • Да може да издава официален разходен документ.

Можете ли да ми препоръчате такъв човек?

The English Version

I’m looking for English language teacher for the teams I manage. I’d like to organize English language training for my colleagues (and for myself), but not the classical “I speak, you listen and write homework” way. I imagine one of the course sessions to look like that:

  • The class consists of up to 8 students.
  • The class is in session one or two times per week.
  • The teacher chooses (an intesting) theme and informs the students
  • Students prepare for the follow-up class (as much as they can afford)
  • The session consists of free talk on/around the chosen subject, during which the following goals should be accomplished
    • The students must talk as much as possible, in order to gain English language talkative skills.
    • The teacher tracks students’ mistakes, and notes them to the students (during or after the session)
    • The students excercise their talkative skills as much as possible
  • Written homework is also possible. The teacher chooses the subject, on which the students have to write. After that the homework is delivered (could be via e-mail), in order to be verified. The goal is the teacher to verify and correct the students’ mistakes in order to improve their written English language.

The perfect teacher should have English as mother tongue!

Additional important stuff:

  • The teacher should have experience and be enthusiastic for this teaching model! This is not the classic “teacher => students” model, so if the teacher does not like it, it won’t work.
  • The teacher should be willing to come twice per week at the office for the classes. Example start hours are 10:00 or 16:00, but in general we’re flexible.
  • The teacher should be able to issue an official expense document for the course.

Can you recommend me such person?

Photo (cc-by-sa) Wm Jas

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