Tag: service

Have you heard about Classeur.Io?

Have you heard about Classeur.Io?

Classeur.IO is cloud and Chrome[OS] based application, which allows you to easily write with Markdown, both local, cloud-based notes, and also post directly to your blog.

This is a test post, which I’m making with it. Let’s see how it’ll go.

I just installed it and I’d like to see if/how it will support the immediate blog post. So far I believe it’s all working OK, but let’s see…

Note: You can use Markdown to format your text.



Миналата седмица от приятел (поредния) видях (поредната) услуга за доставка на аудио съдържание. Разбирайте, MP3 парчета, легално и без лимит на слушане.

Досега бях пробвал това-онова (вкл. и last.fm), но ми липсваше директната референция от човек, който познавам. Пейо навремето беше говорил за социална услуга за музика, но тогава не обърнах внимание достатъчно внимание. На обяда със Стефчо (и Живко, разбира се 🙂 ) обаче по-сериозно говорихме за Spotify и реших да я изпробвам.

И докато я пробвах вчера, незнайно как се усетих че имам вече premium account. Някак се получи от само себе си, първо защото първите 30 premium дни са безплатни и второ, защото през 2 песни започнаха да въртят една и съща реклама на Vivacom… та ми се видя много по-подходящо да си платя и да се отърва от проклетата реклама, преди да започна да я сънувам в кошмарите си.

Та сега “потъвам” все по-дълбоко в услугата им. У нас, в колата (работи изключително добре през Bluetooth предавателя директно в стерео системата на колата), докато пиша това… четецът на Spotify свири. Да видим как ще изглежда мобилното ми потребление към края на месеца.

Та ако търсите много музика на едно място, (засега) мога да препоръчам Spotify. 10 лв/месец (ако не искате реклами и искате повечко екстри) музика без лимити, много музика на едно място, добре сортирана, с feedback, въобще много приятно! Още не съм започнал да прибавям приятели, които също използват услугата, но може и това да се окаже забавно.

Austrian Airlines – the Best Service Ever!

Austrian Airlines – the Best Service Ever!

I wrote this few weeks ago. I still want to publish it: first because it’s the first post, entirely typed with my Galaxy Tab, and second: because I really want to tell how satisfied I am with Austrian airlines service!

“You may now use your electronic devices”. I heard the phrase and I immediately pulled out the tablet, because I just needed to share my recent experience!

I’m on my way to Copenhagen, got some private stuff to handle. Since the direct flight is not that usefil for my case, I’m flying Austrian. Logically – via Vienna.

Unfortunately, these days Vienna got some snow. Lots of it, judging from what I saw on the airport. Because of that, my inbond Vienna flight delayed about 40 minutes.  That wouldn’t be an issue, if I did not had exactly 40 minutes to transfer myself from gate B35 to gate C37 – a distance, which required at leasr 25 minutes on foot. I was quite worried, because I really needed 2 days in CPH and it seemed I will definitely miss my connecting flight…

So far I have at least 200 flights in my career,  with more than 20 different airlines. Maybe some day I should try to make the list precise. I thought I already knew what to expect: a lot of nerves while waiting in the buss, then running, then shortcut through the security lines (if people allow me), then again running and at the end – mosy probably excuses on the service deck and different flight, most probably tomorrow.  There was no way to catch a plane, which leaves the airport at 20:00, because my plane opened its doors on bus gate at 19:45.

However, OS made it happen. I was quite surprised to hear just before leaving the plane that all passengers to FRA, CPH and * must contact the ground crew outside the aircraft. Hmmm, this sounded like a new jope for the good.

We were total of 5 people to these 3 critical destinations. We had a dedicated mini bus and person, who took us through all necessary procedures (passport check and security) as quick as possible, without wasting a single minute. Then she drove us directly at the service entrances of each gate (mine was 2nd, since FRA guys were delaying even more) and we went directly in the waiting aircraft.

I almost gave up that flight, but thanks to the great service, I succeeded to catch it and to go normally through the rest of my CPH tasks.

From now on, when considering any flght optons, I’ll check Austrian first!

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