Management Board’s Yearly Strategic Summit, 2019

This year I got lucky to be personally invited to the Management Board’s Yearly Strategic Summit. The summit was a one-day event, held in the large hall in the Military Academy “Rakovsky.” Since it was members and invite-only, I had the chance to meet and network with quite interesting people, some of them as well as being the event’s presenters.

Most of the content I heard was engaging, exciting, and thought-provoking. I specifically noted the presentation about drug development given by Dimitar Dimitrov from Micar21, Milen Djalaliev’s presentation about the Millenials, this so controversial generation (at least for me), as well as Dr. Mariana Todorova’s talk about the future in general. I took a good amount of notes with me, to which I hope I’ll be able to follow up.

At lunchtime, entirely unexpected, I had a unique chance to visit the King’s Halls, located on the 2nd floor of the Academy. I was mostly impressed by two facts: one, we somehow succeeded in sustaining this heritage during the dark ages of Bulgarian Socialism, and two, the halls resemble the architecture of the palaces I’ve seen in Renaissance Europe. I hope more people see this piece of the last Bulgarian Kingdom.

The only thing I felt sorry about was the fact I had to leave earlier, and thus I missed any chance to hear the discussions after the last presentation.
And my only suggestion for any future events of this kind would be to ask the presenters to strictly adhere to the agenda and their timing. I understand that people wanted to give us as much content as possible, but this not only ate from the time of others (also with exciting content).

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