Tag: Amazon

My iClever Bluetooth Keyboard

My iClever Bluetooth Keyboard

Few weeks ago a very close and trusted friend of mine (thanks, Atanas 🙂 ) sent me a link to this excellent iClever Bluetooth travel keyboard. As I was already quite in need for pocket, travel keyboard, it took me only 5′ to review and purchase it from Amazon.co.uk.

I own the thing since a few weeks and every time I use it to do my typing (i.e., type on the tablet an e-mail, blog post or whatever longer), I’m quite delighted what a good solution this keyboard is to my typing need.

The keyboard is small when folded up, but it’s large enough to allow hassle free typing with both hands. It has very smart (and I hope – strong enough to ensure long living) folding mechanics, which allow transformation from its “working size” to “pocket size” in a second. It also has a pouch, which not only protects the keyboard while folded, but also protects the other items the keyboard is close to in the bag, as it’s aluminum body, which could otherwise scratch another sensitive item in your bag (i.e., your phone or tablet).

The keyboard also has four silicone tips, which make it almost stick to the surface while I’m typing. This is a feature, which I like a lot, because most of the pocket keyboards (or at least those I had my hands on) lack this and you need to always relocate the keyboard, which (naturally) moves as a result of your action on the keys. Thanks to these bands, the keyboard stays very solid on the surface you put it on.

I’m using the device with an Android tablet. However, the manufacturer claims that it should work with Windows and iOS too (it has Win key indeed), but I never tried that myself [yet].

Setup is pretty much out of the box: you turn it on (turns on by unfolding), long press the “Bluetooth link” button, pair and you’re good to go. My only trouble was with the fact that I’m Bulgarian Phonetic user and the default Android hardware keyboard settings do not include this keyboard layout. However, FDroid and the Phonetic Layout for External Keyboards resolved this perfectly. Honestly, I’d be pretty screwed, if this was not existing, so thanks guys (modest donation is on its way!).

Below is the picture of the keyboard, which I made for my Amazon review. It stays next to Nexus 9 tablet, so you get the idea of the size when unfolded. The pouch is next to it, i.e. this is the size of the keyboard, when folded. The thickness of the folded keyboard is not more than 10-14 mm.


I highly recommend this thing to anyone, who carries on tablet and has typing needs, which are best served with a keyboard.

This blog post was, of course, typed with this keyboard.

Този Amazing Amazon!

Този Amazing Amazon!

Моята прекрасна батерия 6000mAh Rechargeable External Battery Pack with Cellphone Adapters, който вече вярно ми служи повече от две години, започна бавно да сдава багажа. Все още в нея има поне 4500 mAh живот, но си личи, че не е това, което беше.

Освен това тя е с максимален заряден ток 1A, което значи, че не може да бъде използвана за зареждане на “лакомите” устройства. И, разбира се, има само един изход.

Power Bank 12000 mAhПоради всичко това вчера се реших да си избера и поръчам нова. След много търсене и преглеждане на варианти, намерих в Amazon.co.uk батерията EasyAcc® SuperBoy 12000mAh 4 x USB External battery pack. Тя има 4 USB изхода със съответните максимални натоварвания 0.5A, 1.0A, 1.3A и 2.1A. Т.е., без проблеми тази батерия може да зарежда най-гладните, големи таблети (iPad 3, Nexus 10 и т.н.), като при това има впечатляващите 12000 mAh капацитет.

Цената на батерията беше около 75 лв с доставката, което също не беше зле, и аз се реших да я купя. Ако и на вас ви трябва нещо подобно, горещо препоръчвам!

Купих я вчера, около обяд. Купих всъщност две, защото и на Веси братчето беше споменал, че би искал да има подобна допълнителна батерия.

Не можете да си представите колко шашнат бях, когато днес се прибрах вкъщи и двете батерии ме чакаха. Получили са я вкъщи днес наобяд. Т.е., за един ден поръчка + (международна) доставка. Още не мога да повярвам на очите си, че за един ден е успяла да пристигне.

Не знам как работи доставката на Амазон, но… когато пазарувам от български магазин, плащам 7 лв доставка и получавам нещото за между 2 и 3 дни. Рядко се получава next business day, освен ако не е в София.

Последния път, поръчвайки едни CD-та, пак бях впечатлен. Тогава мисля, че отне два работни дни.

Ако Амазон са започнали да доставят така, не се учудвам, че бизнесът им върви по нашите ширини…

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