Great Company, E-Boghandel [2]

Few weeks ago I shared here some problems with one book delivery. Just few days later I shared my extreme satisfaction after the resolution of the case.

Today I understood that I was not mistaken in my evaluation about the services, which SAXO & E-Boghandel provide.

You may ask why? The story is quite short: The day before yesterday I surprisingly found in my the lost copy of the Harry Potter book, which E-boghandel sent August 21st. It seems that the post offices recovered and (finally, after 2 months and a week!) delivered the first package to me.

I was both astonished and worried. Astonished, because I did not believe I will see the first book again – I was thinking that it’s either lost, or they will recover and return to sender. Worred, because now I have two books, and I paid only for one – obviously something was wrong in this calculation.

I wrote E-boghandel the following letter:

> Hi,
> Today I received the book, which was mentioned in the attached mail thread.
> I do not know what took so long the book to come to my door, but now I have two Harry Potter books.
> Can you tell me what are my options and to which address I have to ship the second book back?
> It seems post office has really screwed the things up… 3 months delivery, wow!
> Many thanks in advance!
> Doncho Angelov

I was almost ready to ship the book back, but today I received this answer:

> Hi,
> You have only paid once, so please keep both copies of the book.
> Best regards,
> _name removed for privacy reasons_
> |

I am really thrilled. I am just twisted Bulgarian boy and I never, ever received so good and people-oriented attention from a company, which provided only web-serivce to me. The people at proven once again that they do not care just about the books and the profit, but also for your level of satisfaction from their service.

I want to thank them again for this great service. I might decide to give the first book as a present to someone, but I will definitely keep the second one, because it’s not just a book. It will remind me about this case and about the fact that there are great companies around us too!

2 thoughts on “Great Company, E-Boghandel [2]

  1. Hmmm, interesting idea about the first book ;-). That’s the Half-Blood Prince, right? Haven’t read about Harry Potter in English yet…

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