Tag: airplane mode

Samsung Galaxy Nexus: the radio crash bug resolution

Samsung Galaxy Nexus: the radio crash bug resolution

Android Open Kang Project
Android Open Kang Project

Two days ago I wrote about my struggle with the first, very serious and very annoying Android Ice Cream Sandwich bug, which causes the phone radio to crash, resulting into behavior like the phone is in Airplane mode and fixable only by phone reboot.

Today I’ve some developments to report:

Switching off 3G mode

When I switched off the 3G, the ill behavior changed dramatically! The phone radio never hung, causing Airplane Mode-like behavior. Instead, the phone started rebooting! With approximately the same frequency, the phone was crashing and causing sudden reboots. I can’t really weight which behavior is “better” in this case: to have the phone rebooting itself, or to have crashing radio. I left it in “crashing” mode, because after I removed the SIM card PIN, at least I was always reachable (when it reboots, usually it restarts OK).

Update to 4.0.3!

In the Google thread about issue 22503, today I found extremely useful comment! The comment suggests that the issue is not seen on 4.0.2! So far I was forgetting to check if there are any updates to the OS. My crashing phone was with Android 4.0.1, i.e. vulnerable to the problem. The commenter stated that after 4.0.2, the issue did not show anymore.

I immediately asked for help how to locate the official update, but alas… it seems my phone is not in the phones, which is being updated by Google (or at the moment). I’ve no idea how this happen, but I was on my own for this one.

That’s when I decided to turn to the good, old xda-developers.com forum!

After some reading there, I’ve got to the conclusion that the only chance to try resolving the issue is to install custom ROM, which is based on 4.0.2 or 4.0.3. After some more reading, I decided to put Android Open Kang Project, a ROM, which has excellent feedback so far and looks like it’s “alive and developing”.

Once the decision was made, I had to get the tools for updating. In the forum, there’s already plenty of useful Google Galaxy Nexus information about rooting the phone. I had to use the following resources in order to do the job:

It took me about hour, hour and a half from start to end. The whole thing was 5-6 hours ago, no sudden restart of cell hang so far. The phone is cold, no battery overheat and the battery discharge rate looks times better than before.

I hope this is the end of the saga, but if there’s more on this topic, you’ll most probably read about it here.

The first quite serious Galaxy Nexus bug

The first quite serious Galaxy Nexus bug

Samsung Galaxy Nexus (cc-by-sa) Sham HardyIt’s my 3rd week (or 4th? It doesn’t matter!) with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone.

Since few days it started to show pretty weird problem: suddenly it starts reporting that Airplane mode is on and I can’t make any call. If I press and hold power, the menu there says the airplane mode is on. If I click to switch it off, it grays out and nothing happens. At the same time, in Settings the Airplane checkbox is not checked. Pretty weird and very annoying problem, solvable only with reboot of the phone. The worst thing is that you can’t know when the problem will popup, so you may end up without coverage for hours, until you see that your phone is off again (already happened to me!). The issue is also discussed in Radio randomly goes off and [Q]Airplane mode keeps turning itself on and won’t turn off threads at XDA Developers forum.

Today I got sick and stopped uninstalling applications, but started the research. Pretty quick I came to the fact that the issue is also discussed in Radio randomly goes off and [Q]Airplane mode keeps turning itself on and won’t turn off threads at XDA Developers forum. Which led me to the thread at Google, which looks like acceptance of this as an official bug. The priority of the bug is “Medium”, which simply means that… well it means that it won’t be fixed anytime soon. I doubt Google guys are out of bug with high and critical severity, so they can fix that Medium one 🙁 .

I’m pissed :(! Let’s see what will happen, but I’m not very optimistic!

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